1 pkg. saltine crackers
1 c. butter
1 c. brown sugar
1 12 oz. pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 c. chopped walnuts or pecans
Line a sheet pan with foil. Cover the entire surface with crackers. Bring butter and sugar to a boil. Pour over the crackers. Bake at 400 deg. for 5-6 minutes until bubbly. Remove from oven and sprinkle evenly with choc. chips and spread the chocolate as it melts. Sprinkle the top with nuts ~ place in fridge to set up and cut into squares. This truly is a sweet treat!!
Last Thursday, Luke and Luci came to spend the afternoon ~ school is out so I thought they might like to come hang out! We made the recipe above ~ a big hit ~ you should try it!
Then, Luke spied some avocado pits that I had been saving so I decided to show them how I was going to use them. I boiled 4 pits in a pot of water ~ added some salt ~ and 1/4 yard of wool!! When the color seemed right, I also poured in a glug of vinegar to set it!
And this is what we got! The white is what went in the pot and this lovely peachy flesh color is the result! It was kind of interesting for the kids and for me, too. I saw it on The Crescent Lane blog a while back and I like the result! It's hard to find a good flesh color ~ I think this might be it!!
Friday night, we went to Miss Luci's All Star game!
Today is Father's Day and we're having all the kids over for a wiener roast later on. The kids love to do that and marshmallows ~ it doesn't take a lot to entertain them right now! We stayed home this weekend for a variety of reasons ~ one of them was going to dinner at son Teddy's house last evening ~ the 'grillmaster' made wonderful grilled pork chops and asparagus and Miki did her oven-browned potatoes and onions ~ I made a new 'warm bean salad' (recipe to follow soon) and Sonny baked his scrumptious Rhubarb Custard pie! It was a feast for sure!
Another good reason for staying in town this weekend was the hook-in at Kingwood Center yesterday! That will be the subject of my next blog post ~ a great time, of course!!!!!!
I hope you're all having a great Father's Day with friends and family ~ we've had a good weekend for sure ~ enjoy your day!
Alice ~
The hook-in was great fun and it was nice to see you ~ as always :)
I think that is the same recipe I've made but I use graham crackers. Yum!
Congrats to Miss Luci on making the all-star team!!!
Pug hugs :)
All that food talk is making me hungry! Everything sounds so good. I've had the cracker's really yummy. Sounds like you had a great weekend!
The recipe you posted is absolutely delicious! I make it at Christmas every year. Great blog--I'll be back to visit again!
That toffee sounds yummy. Not great for the diet though :)
Great dye job. It looks like a perfect flesh tone.
Thanks for the dyeing tip! Think I'll try that before the toffee. Not quite as many calories!!
That toffee looks yummy and the flesh color is beautiful. I just threw two avocado pits in the trash...
Congratulation to Luci for her success at making the All Star team. JB
That does look delicious! I have had some other varities of that recipe, but I have not made it. I will now though!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with the kids. Glad you enjoyed yourself. And I'm glad you got home almost before the hail started. I hate hail!!
Find you blog interesting came from Betsy's blog Love the cracker toffee made it before with Graham crackers.
Alice, thanks for posting the avacado pit dye information as I plan to do some of that dying myself. I eat avacado all the time and will save my pits.
I make Toffee every Christmas, love it so much! I'm definitely going to try your recipe with the crackers this weekend for a birthday party I am going to. I gave up on dieting..I just increase walking when I indulge and it's so worth it! I have a terrible sweet tooth and fortunately I love walking! so I'll just have to have my cake and eat it too (in a manner of speaking):)
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