Here is the photo of the actual pick!! And the winner is LELOOPS!!!!! So LELOOPS, please email me at with your name and address and I will get this off to you!!! I'm going to include a few extra goodies ~ just to make it fun!
If you have a chance, read through the comments ~ so many interesting reasons why you all love rug hooking! Mentioned many times is the friends we make ~ that has to be one of the big bonuses of learning this art of ours! I have met so many great gals and a couple of fellows ~ friendships I would never have if it weren't for our common bond! One comment was that she couldn't paint or knit or other things but that she could HOOK!! It gives us all a wonderful creative outlet and opens a whole world to people who didn't know they were creative!
So ~ special thanks to Heavens to Betsy for giving me the opportunity to share this wool with you! And thanks to each of you for leaving your comments ~ this drawing had a great response ~ everybody loves a giveaway!!!
Congratulations to the WINNER and it was very kind of you to host this event and for Betsy for providing the yummy wool that I saw posted on your blog. I'm sure the lucky person will be exceedinly happy with the goodies they are about to receive.
Congrats to number fifty six!! You are very generous with your giveaway!!
Alice ~ Congrats to LeLoops. What a lucky hooker! I told the hookers at Grant Street you side "hi".
Hugs :)
Congratulations to Leloops, wonderful wools, I am sure she will love hooking with them.
Congrats to the wiinner!
Hi Alice - Congrats to the winner -f un giveaways! Yes Lauren told us "HI" - and we said Hi right back!
I am thrilled and appreciate the gift of wool. Thank you Alice, and to each of you who left congrats. Lee
Hi Lee ~ so glad to know that you are LELOOPS! I will contact you tomorrow ~ Have a great Fourth of July!!!
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