Saturday, we walked from town out to the City Park ~ about 3 miles round trip ~ and found this antique hand-carved fish at a flea market that was going on in the park!! It really is beautiful and smooth from all the years that it's been touched and polished ~ the lady said a man made it for her dad many years ago ~ we were happy to give it a new home where the art of it will be valued much more than the $3 we paid for it!!
Beach glass hunting! We love to do that on the little beaches near us! The picture isn't the best but it shows off our finds from this morning's walk! Red is very rare and this little bit of red glass is shaped like a heart ~ I'm happy to have it! Sonny also found a fossil and three lucky stones ~ the lucky stones are on the bottom left ~ supposedly the cheekbones from sheephead fish ~ click on the picture and you can see the natural 'L' that is indented in the stone! I have a bracelet made with lucky stones and just saw a pendant necklace this weekend!
Saturday, friends from home joined us for the day ~ we had a little lunch, sat on the rocks with our lake friends, took them on a tour of some of Kenny's old haunts from his teenage years, went to a little marina bar for a bite and a beverage and ended up being invited to an impromptu birthday party for a mutual friend of ours from here at home! It was at a the NorEaster Club ~ very nice and glad to be able to share in their fun!
Sunday, we went to Kelley's Island to meet with friends that Sonny will work for over there! We took the ferry from Marblehead ~ a beautiful ride over and back! Our friends took us to the Island House ~ and we had the most WONDERFUL New England Lobster Roll with drawn butter and DUCK FAT FRIES!!! Have you ever heard of them? Oh my word!!! Talk about scrumptious!!! Topped off with a peanut butter martini ~ I was one happy woman!!! And I wonder why I don't have the figure of my youth!! I know the answer but I'm telling you ~ if you get to Kelley's Island this summer, you have to treat yourself to some Island House fare!
So ~ back to reality ~ work awaits ~ but it's easier to tackle the tasks at hand when we've had a fun relaxing weekend! Hope yours was the same!!
P.S. There's still time to get in on the Wool Giveaway ~ check my last post and leave a comment!
sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend and I have heard of duck fat fries but never tasted them.
Hi the fish, love the view and love the glass!
I think a good time always finds you no matter where you go.
Haven't been to Kelley's Is. for a long time, I think we should make some plans. Watch for a post....
no, really, I mean it!
Such a gorgeous sunrise!! Love the beach glass too, lucky you!!
Beautiful sunrise. And that fish - so cute and a real steal at $3.
Duck Fat Fries and a PB martini - now that sounds unique.
Alice ~
Beautiful sunrise but I'm only up at 5:30 when I have to go to work.
You found some great beach glass and that fish is way cool!
Pug hugs :)
Sounds like a lovely weekend Alice. The beach glass is beautiful! My grandpa used to carve, and I have a few hand carved pieces of his that are wonderful!
What a beautiful sunset and wonderful find at the flea market.
Hi Alice - beautiful sunrise! Wish I had been someplace to see it this morning! Glad you're having a good time in P.C.!
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