The other evening, I went with Sonny out to cabinetmaker Bob's house ~ he grows annuals from seed and had some to share with us for our garden ~ very generous fellow! This is his kitty cat!! BeeBalm is his name ~ a 30# plus kitty cat!! I just had to show you ~ we visited him last year and I swear he's grown even more! There was a new cat on the property, Freeloader is his name and he was just as big and soooooo lovable. BeeBalm took off to hide under the hostas as soon as Bob put him down ~ a very big hosta, by the way! Isn't he just a great cat?
Nothing much going on here ~ planting and weeding and trying to make sense out of the gardens. Still no hooking. Lots of nice hot weather ~ I can say that because I can stay inside if I want. Going out for supper tonite with friends/customers ~ that will be fun! I'm starved already! I have to go to the doctor today and have blood work taken so I'm fasting and appointment isn't until later ~ I will be ready to eat everything on the menu by the time we go out tonite!!!!!
One bit of good news is that I'm out walking again! I've been at it a week and a half now ~ trying to be dedicated ~ wearing my wrist pedometer and trying to get in 10,000 steps a day. So far today ~ 9475!! Woo hoo ~ and I have more than half the day ahead of me!!!!!!!! The 10,000 step program falls into line with the Surgeon General's recommendation ~ that being that level of activity will help reduce disease and lead to longer and healthier lives for us all! It equates with 5 miles a day ~ and it says that a sedentary person walks 500-3000 steps a day ~ so by adding a 2 or 3 mile walk along with our normal activities, it's a do-able thing!! I'll let you know folks!!!!
It's going to be mid 90's here today ~ I'm headed out to water and then put some order to my hooking room! Have a good day ~ stay cool ~ and take a walk!!! Ta ta for now!
2 hours ago
Good for you for walking yourself to health. You shpuld be in great shape by the fall. Wow, what a BIG pussy cat.
That is one amazingly big kitty! Is he a Maine Coon?
Wish I could get my butt in gear and do some regular walking. It's always on my list of things to do tomorrow. Congratulations on having the dedication to do it TODAY!!!
Big kitty! Hmmm... maybe he needs a walk too :-)
Good for you on your walking! We are fortunate to have great paths and parks so close. I head out first thing every day with the dog. If I don't get it done first thing it doesn't get done at all! Stay cool today . . . I agree...the only gardening today is watering . . might need to water myself!
Holy Moley! That is a big puddy cat!!!!!!!!! WOW. My old Suki used to weigh 17# and I thought that was huge. This kitty is 1/2 a person, for cryin out loud!
Pretty tho.
Alice, walk a little for me, would you?????
Wow, that gives new meaning to the phrase Fat Cat. Lol Its hard to imagine a 30+ pound cat, especially since Millie weighs in at a whopping 4 pounds!
Good luck on your walking goals.
Bee Balm does not look like a happy camper in that picture. He is a big boy for sure!
Keep on walkin' and get back to hookin'!
Hugs :)
Hey Alice. Glad you are enjoying the heat!! (I'm not, it kills my asthma. UGH!!) I would love to see pictures of your garden area. And that cat does not look happy, lol. I'm not surprised he went and hid after he got put down. He's beautiful though!
Holy cow! I mean cat! LOL! Look at the face on that guy. I swear I see a human face in him. He's a cutie. I wish my job didn't have me sitting constantly. I try and stay active at home, but then I just want to sit and stitch, especially when it's this hot. Keep up the good walking work! :)
What a kitty cat ! Big boy! Good for you walking - i love to walk and do it at much as I can but never dedicated enough to make it a habit!
My sister has a cat named Gus who is almost that big - I think he is 28 pounds. He was from a litter of 5 and he is the SMALLEST!! Ironically, they are all sable/champagne tabbies too - I wonder if there is something in the colour that makes them grow so large.
Her other cat is a skinny black scaredy cat named Sam. He is frenetic and rushes around all day long. Gus prefers to lounge - preferably on his back with all four appendages splayed.
Guess that rumour about exercise works on cats too.
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