sitting on the rocks!! We hope they'll come again when it's cooler!
This was our beach glass bounty from three mornings of scouring the beach! We were able to be at the lake for four days ~ a real treat for us! Lots of lucky stones in the lower left ~ a few bits of red and blue ~ and to the right (the white stick-looking like thing) is a fisherman's needle. Friend Heidi had shown us one and this was the first we have seen in our beach walks. It might be a real thing or it might be folklore but ~ it is the bone out of some kind of fish, at the top there is an opening that you could thread, and fishermen used it for mending their nets!! True or not, it's a good story!
Here are my efforts at jewelry making! The top bracelet is made with lucky stones ~ lucky stones are the earbone of a sheephead fish ~ I also just learned that from google ~ I had heard it was the cheekbone but now I know different!
The bottom is green beach glass ~ kind of bright but kind of pretty. I'll try my hand at making more ~ it takes 12 pieces of glass or stones ~ and the glass has to be just the right size ~ so it won't take long to use up what we have!
Have a good Sunday ~ the weekend is almost over! I feel like I'm on a spinning top ~ hanging on for the ride!! See you soon!
Love the bracelets! Sounds like you had a nice visit despite the heat. Hope the weather cools off for you soon!
Alice ~
I'm no big football fan, but even if I was, I don't think I'd want a bronze of Woody in my!
I hope to go beach glass hunting later today. You done good! Love the bracelets. I still haven't quite figured out what the lucky stone is. I just don't know what I'm looking for.
Pug hugs :)
Why thank goodness for google! You've learned a lot! Love the beach glass and bracelets! Sounds like a great visit - just hanging and eating and drinking!
I so miss the beach, this summer it was a new knee or the beach and you know what I chose. Love the beach glass, you were so lucky to find blue.
LOVE what you did with the bracelets!!!
How Cool you are to make these bracelets from meaningful things! I live near the ocean and pick up wee stones so often. I would love to make a bracelet like you have!
Love the bracelets I grew up on Long Island surrounded by four beaches 2 in walking distant and I loved collecting glass and shells. I was collecting for the top of a table made from a barrel from the telephone company used for cable and then covering the top with poly. Thank you for sharing your pictures and talents..Have a great week God bless patricia
Can't believe that these are your first attempt!! They are pretty awesome. Good for you. I will start collecting sea glass with a keener eye from now on.
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