The last two evenings, I hooked a bit and filled in the upper right corner down to the bottom of his rooster tail! When I really look at this rug, I can consider that it is two-thirds done! Woo hoo!

Here's a close-up of the area but the photo is a little light . The overall look of this rug is making me very happy ~ if I would hook every day, it could be done in a week or so!

This is one of the things I picked up last weekend ~ I think it will look good with white geraniums at the front door of our lake place. They'll have to be artificial since we aren't there to water but it will jazz up the entry ~ and the words are so true!!
SHARKS TEETH!! A lot of them, aren't there? This is what kept us occupied like it was job while we were in Florida in February. We had our noses to the sand for 15 of our 16 days ~ you might say, we were obsessed!! We kept the biggest ones for ourselves and divided the rest among the grandkids ~ they each got a nice bag full!
This was Sonny and his new friend! This little bird followed him down the beach one morning and as Sonny dumped out his scooper, the little bird searched for sea creatures! It was pretty darn funny!
Each day, I took a picture of our 'catch of the day' and this was all from one morning. I picked up little beaded jewelry bags and put the pink shells in them for the little girls ~ they loved it! And we were fascinated with shell skeletons ~ a lot of those came home, too! We had the idea to string them together for windchimes but the prototype doesn't do much for either of us! They might end up in a nice bowl somewhere!
Isn't she a hoot? I loved this gal ~ a yard ornament, hanging from the trees, near the shops at the Fishery. Click to get a closeup view ~ there are little round mirrors on her wings! I want one!!!
We had just the best time on our little adventure! We've never been gone for that long before and having a wonderful sitter for Tad, was one of the things that enabled us to do it! We saw so many people we know ~ rug hooking friends, Arlene and MJ and their husbands, my Canadian cousins, Linda and John, who were wintering down there, Dick and Roberta that I grew up with in our little town of Homerville, friends Peter and Adeline (our kids were married to each other ~ they got divorced but we didn't!), our lake friends, Kathy and Jim (they took us to that jewelry store The Best of Everything) and Sonny's old school chum, Charley! We ate some wonderful food, drank some tasty cocktails, saw some wonderful art, went to farm markets, and walked the beach every day!

Last but not least, our dear friends, Diane and Greg ~ they are the other reason we were in Florida! We shared their condo and overlapped our times, so we were able to be together for four days! We had great fun and tried to pack in as much as time would allow! Thank you, friends!
This weekend will begin our fun times at the lake and we can't wait!! Let the party begin!!!!!