Look how diligent these rug hookers are! This was at Kingwood Center in Mansfield, Ohio last Saturday. There were 85 gals all in one place, hooking up a storm!! Katie Allman put it all together and did a great job ~ from hanging the rug show, preparing the snacks, to organizing the silent auction and a lot in between ~ she does it all!
Donna and Judy were in our room along with new friend,
Linda! She came to our house with the Columbus group a few weeks ago ~ nice to see her again!
(I have no clue why these words are highlighted ~ Blogger and I have a love/hate relationship ~ this would be one reason why!)
Kingwood Center is a lovely place to spend some time! As we were schlepping stuff to our truck, this beautiful peacock was just sitting on the fence, watching us trek by! He didn't flinch when I stopped to take his picture ~ beautiful bird, isn't he?
Here are a few of the rugs ~ I ran over at the end and snapped a few pix with my phone! Nice roosters!
A great stool ~ wish the photo was a little better ~ it was cute as the dickens!! Hooked by Rhonda of My Glory Stars!
The red flowers are hooked by Katie Allman and I'm not sure about the others. This was really a striking rug!
There were some fun things in the silent auction and I was the proud winner of the HOOKR bag by 31 ( I love their products!). Katie was the donor and had it stitched with this unique spelling! I love it ~ thanks Katie for your generous donation!!

Last year, Katie had little bags of various yarns and ribbons to purchase for this year's challenge. Of course, I did mine the night before ~ the pumpkin was hooked as a sample for a project and since the bits and pieces in the little bag were compatible colors, I got the bright idea to use them in a proddy edge! It worked out swell ~ I didn't win but I love my little pumpkin hooked into the linen backing! There is a nice piece of orange plaid wool on the back and it's stuffed with wool lint from the dryer!!
It was a full weekend, to say the least! Friend Jackie came from Pittsburgh to spend the night on Friday ~ she got to help set up that afternoon ~ lucky her! We finished up Saturday morning and she joined some Ohio friends for the hook-in while Sonny and I manned our booth! There were four wool vendors (Nancy Blair, Woolnuts, Roche River and me), Lana Omler with her own pattern designs, Larry Ault cutters and Lauren from Rugs and Pugs blog with her cute silver spoon rug hooker jewelry! We had a good time and a busy day over in our building. My friends, Charisse and Pam hooked in there along with Donna and her group and a few others. Thanks to all who stopped by ~ we had a great day! Even though, I've done shows for 30+ years, it's still a fun thing for me ~ imagine that!
Sunday, we took our friends Cliff and Margo, to the new casino in Cleveland! It's in the old Higbee Department store where my mom would go to shop when I was a little girl! It's very nice ~ we had a good lunch at Michael Simon's burger place and left a little chunk of change in the casino's pocket! If you like that kind of thing, maybe you'll take a trip to downtown Cleveland!
Yesteday, I drove to Columbus to have the car serviced and met a friend for lunch!! And on it goes!!! Life's a merry-go-round here! The rest of the week is pretty wild, too!