Looking at her adoringly is 3 year old great granddaughter, Blakleigh! She sat thru the nearly two hour program and watched all the 'princesses' dance across the stage. You can tell she was in awe of Luci ~ who did look like a princess!! Luci has been dancing for quite a few years now and we've gone to all of them ~ this year Tad went along!! That was big for him to leave his TV, cd player and IPad!! It was a fun evening!
I have to tell you that this hallway was busy with kids and parents and grandparents after the show and I told Luci just give me a quick picture! When I looked afterward, I realized she was standing in front of a mural and right over her head was a caveman in a loincloth ~ see his legs!!!!!!!! We laughed like crazy ~ I cropped the caveman out as much as possible but the picture of Luci is so good and her adoring fan, that I'm posting it anyway!!!!!! We're going to keep it for her high school graduation ~ won't that be a nice surprise!!
Yesterday was opening ceremonies for Little League! We have four grands playing and since they started their games two weeks ago, these grandparents have seen a lot of baseball already! So we went to the opening at 9 a.m. ~ came back for two back-to-back games in the afternoon ~ and Luke had a game at 7 last night!! We do know they make very good cheeseburgers at the concession stand ~ we'll probably have quite a few of those over the next few weeks!

I still haven't put away all the wool from last week's vending ~ I just have to go down there now! One thing I have been doing is sending pictures of our house to a group that may be interested in photographing it for a magazine. It may or may not happen, and if it does, you'll be the first to know! I have to say, it's an ordeal (at least for me) to get decent shots and label them properly. They're very specific about what they want and since I'm kind of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl, I had to re-do some of what I sent! So ~ stay tuned for that info, too! That's how I keep you coming back here!!
On the top left sidebar, I have info about a beginner rug class. We have three students scheduled and I would be happy to add a couple. If you would like to join us, let me know!
On the top left sidebar, I have info about a beginner rug class. We have three students scheduled and I would be happy to add a couple. If you would like to join us, let me know!
Have a good Sunday afternoon ~ it's really nice outside! Here's wishing sunshine to you all!