Look at the great work these gals did on Thursday!! I love that they expounded on the bones of my design and created these wonderful purse fronts! And they got so much done ~ my classes are from 10-4 with time out for lunch and a look around our house and rugs I have done ~ and other than that, we worked like demons to get as much done as possible!!

Look how hard they're working! I had several wools pulled for the purse itself for them to choose from and then let them pull from my wool stash and scrap baskets to build their designs. I put out various rovings and yarns and we needle felted by hand and with the needlefelting machine and had a ball!!!! For the most part, they finished their designs and then had to do the purse construction and lining on their own at home!! Fortunately, all the girls know how to sew!! That's a good thing!!
Last night, Penny emailed me her finished purse!!! She went right home and got to work and look what a nice job she did!! I love seeing the results of something that I was able to help with and inspire!!!

This is Penny's purse back ~ out of an extra piece of wool, she created a flap that goes to the back so that it doesn't obscure the front design. A couple of the gals requested a zipper closure and a couple chose not to go that route. I favor a loop and button on the back but Penny's version is a good choice!! Thanks for the pictures! And you'll see Pam's, Joan's and Susan's on here as soon as they're done!
We did have a fun, productive day ~ for lunch, I made them comfort food!! Homemade macaroni and cheese (it really was good ~ they asked for recipe!), seven layer salad and homemade bumbleberry pie!!!! So for those of you, who are close enough, if you would like a class on my purse design, give me a call and we'll set one up for you and your friends!!! I think you'll have a good time!!!
Saturday, we went to a clambake/surprise birthday party for two of our lake friends ~ Carol and Bill!! We are so happy that soon somebody in that group will be in the 60's along with us ~ finally!!! Their son and daughter hosted it at her son's beautiful home and they were definitely surprised!! Sunday, I went to a birthday party for an 89 year old friend ~ she, too, was surprised! Violet is a lovely lady and I was honored to be included in the guest list!!
Yesterday, was a great day with old school friends, Karen and John! Karen is back in our home area from Oregon and our friend, John, drove Miss Daisy down here to the gravel pit (on our property is an old gravel pit!) for the day!!! We laughed, we reminisced, went out to lunch (Sonny joined us ~ that tells you how busy he is!), we talked politics and the really fun thing is ~ Karen and I signed John up for Facebook!! The picture of us taken with my camera was a bit fuzzy ~ I think the photographer was nervous ~ so Karen will email me hers when she gets home!! Of course, my mind thinks you want to see pictures of old people!!!!!!!!
Weather in Ohio has finally warmed up and no doubt, this is our Indian Summer ~ I sure hope it lasts for a while! Tomorrow, some friends and I are going to the lake for a fun day and Saturday is our trip to Kelley's Island for the annual Halloween celebration!!! We need good weather to get on that ferry and do our Halloween pub crawl!!!
I hope you're having a good Fall season ~ and enjoying life!! Thanks for stopping by ~ I really appreciate knowing that there are interested souls out there reading this stuff!! Today, the hit counter should mark 28,000 hits since it was installed in January!!! That is pretty amazing to me!!! Again, thank you!
At Lauren's request:
2 c. elbow macaroni
5 T. unsalted butter
1/4 c. flour
2 c. milk
1 c. Vermont sharp cheddar ~ grated
salt and pepper
4 oz. Velveeta, cubed
preheat oven to 350 degrees. and butter a 1 1/2 qt. baking dish.
cook macaroni in boiling salted water just till tender and drain.
in large saucepan, melt 4 T. butter, whisk in the flour, and add milk. stir until it thickens, add the cheddar and stir until it melts. add Velveeta but do not allow it to melt completely. mix the macaroni into the sauce and place all in baking dish. cover with Progresso bread crumbs mixed w/ the last T. of butter.
bake for 20 - 25 minutes until brown and bubbly. serves 4 to 6.
NOTE: I didn't use the salt and pepper and thought it was salty enough. hope you like it!!!