It's hard to believe that the winds from Hurricane Ike could blow so hard here in Ohio ~ but on Sunday, they did!! These big poplars at the back of my husband's shop blew down like matchsticks along with several other trees that really looked more twisted than broken off ~ like a mini tornado!!

They crashed into the shop ~ hitting the roof so hard that it broke rafters but didn't go thru the standing seam roof ~ tore down spouting and fascia boards and drove a tree limb through the garage door to the storage area! The tree guys are coming this morning to cut up all the debris and then we'll be able to see what the real damage is under all that mess. But all in all, it was nothing compared to what the people on the Gulf experienced and we're so fortunate to have insurance (my son is our agent ~ thank you, Teddy!) and a husband who can restore his shop to good as new condition!!
We were at the lake, so Sonny's son, Brian, kept us informed by phone and sent pictures ~ and used his chainsaw to cut up the big limbs that fell across the drive out by the road, so we could get in when we got home!! Yeah, Brian!!
The electric was out until the middle of the night ~ no big deal ~ some of our kids didn't get their electric back on till last night! And many are still without, even in our area and all around our state. The internet and cable was out till late Tuesday night, so I missed blogging immensely ~ so much to write about and no connection to cyberspace!! On Tuesday night, I did take the laptop to Panera Bread and check email after we ate and I even used my dentist's internet earlier that day (my daughter-in-law works for him so she helped me out)!
This weekend is my 45th class reunion ~ eeee gaddd ~ how can that be?? My friend, Pat and I are the coordinators ~ we had a very small class in a consolidated school ~ but it is still a lot of work to put it together and get people revved up so they want to come! Some of us spend the weekend at a state lodge up on the lake and others join us just for the Saturday evening meal. On Friday night, we are hosting a supper at our condo ~ it's 25 miles from the lodge ~ and thanks to a benefactor, we will have a van pick up and deliver the guests so no one has to drive!!
So right now, I'm baking Pecan Squares Americana ~ a pecan pie in the form of a bar cookie on a shortbread crust!! Sooo good! Then I'm making Lobster Chowder, from a recipe in the new Coastal Living magazine ~ it looks yummy ~ I'll let you know. It's kind of a big project to make and a little pricey ~ but my old friends are worth it!! I'll get those two things done today and do the rest of the menu tomorrow afternoon at the condo. I still have to shop for snacks for Saturday afternoon at the lodge ~ we rent a facility on the property to use as a hospitality room ~ so Pat and I are sharing shopping duties to stock that! Last night Pat and I attempted to print our reunion booklets at her office and that turned out to be such a fiasco that I brought them home to do on my copier ~ I think Pat wanted to run away after all the complications!!
At 11:30 this morning, I pick up Miss Luci (remember my little dancing chicken?) from kindergarten, pick up some lunch for her, take her with me to get my face sanded (microdermabrasion), take her with me to get my nails done by her mama (who owns the shop and also takes very good care of me!) and then we have a homebuilders meeting tonite ~ a tailgate party at one of the members homes!!
As you can see, never a dull moment in my world!! That's what keeps my ticker ticking, I guess!! I hope all is well with all of you out there ~ this is a crazy time in our lives and our country ~ I hope the nonsense I write about brings some laughter to you and makes you think ~ Lord, I'm glad I don't have to live with that woman!!