Two weeks since I've posted! I have been having fun, for sure ~ and I've been BUSY!!! This is one of the pumpkins I've been hooking!
Here are a couple more! Small projects for my Sauder class! Only 16 in total ~ 12 more to do!
I took four grands to lunch and errands ~ that was fun!! This was after they all had their glasses on upside down! I'm sure the surrounding patrons wondered where I picked up this little band of wild and crazy kids!!
I went to Indiana to visit my friend, Gwen ~ and while there, I learned to knit! This is almost done ~ there's just a few inches left to do ~ I ran out of yarn and the gal sent it to me right away ~ but I lost momentum. I'll get it back though ~ I can finish it in short order ~ then block it ~ and wear it around my shoulders on a nice cool evening!
We've collected lots of beach glass ~ this was from a couple of weeks ago. Friday, we went to a place further away from us and collected a lot! Then we met friends at Crush Wine Bar in Sandusky and had a little bite and a beverage!!
On one of our beach walks, we found this ~ a fun little memento that someone left from their fun day at Lake Erie!
This little bracelet is made entirely of stones we found on the shores of Kelley's Island ~ the day we missed two ferry boats because we just weren't quite ready to quit! I think it's very sweet and dainty ~ unlike the maker!!

And we've seen beautiful sunsets ~ we had to pull off the road to get this ~ if we had waited till we arrived at the condo ~ which was not far ~ it would have been too late!
Lots of other things have gone on, too. But these are the fun ones ~ the things that get us through all the hard work and challenges that life brings! We're having as much fun as we can ~ I hope you are, too!
Seize the Day!!