This is a long post of pictures of the rugs on display at our recent Tipp City class. Love this rug! Hooked by Marketa ~ it looks like a painting!
Also hooked by Marketa at Susan Quicksall's class this summer at Sauder.
And this is Marketa!!! I neglected to post her picture with all the other people pix in the first post so here she is!! I like her a lot ~ she joined us for dinner this year and last ~ she's a take-charge kind of girl ~ I like that in a woman!!! Love her necklaces, too!
This is Susan Quicksall's Crazy Horse tote pattern ~ I just helped my friend, MJ, color plan hers ~ can't wait to see it done!
Another Quicksall pattern ~ they seem quite busy to me but such a captivating design ~ I may have to try one sometime! Good way to use your scraps!!
Great Fall colors!
This dear lady is a 'fine' hooker ~ her strips look like threads compared to us primitive hookers! But look at her detail ~ we can't get that! Her geisha was gorgeous!
Debbie hooked this rug ~ if Debbie reads this, know that I have been thinking of you and hope all went well with your surgery!
A Halloween collection with a wool applique piece thrown in. Friend Lanna hooked and stitched the cute WitchiePoo in the back ~ and also the bat pinkeep right in front of her! We sat across the table from each other and chatted up a storm!
Such a pretty rug and the one below is just plain cute!
Another great fall-themed rug!
Love the swirls in the sky!
And the fanciful acorn!

This rug hooker is also a stitcher and quilter ~ her sampler is just perfect and the little book laying below it is a replica of a child's stitched ABC book. Both are displayed on an applique quilt ~ all of her work is really exquisite ~ me thinks she might be a perfectionist!!
I believe these rugs are Ali Strebels ~ some she hooked ~ others are vintage. I love the colors in the star runner. This week, we received an email from Ali, Karen and Nola telling us that their next class won't be till 2013!! We'll all look forward to it, I'm sure. It's nice to go and see the gals you've met in the past ~ we've definitely had fun and made some nice friends!

One of those friends is Jackie ~ this is her proddy rug from a class she attended here! Pretty colorful, wouldn't you say? Kind of like Jackie!! When you read this, Jackie ~ don't forget to outline the sheep's head ~ the photo tells us that outline is necessary to define his little sheep head from his big sheep body!! Send me a picture when you're done ~ signed, your teacher!
This has been such a busy week ~ don't know where the time goes but it does. Today is a windy one here in Ohio ~ we're home ~ Sonny is working and I am, too. Lots to do before I leave for Ligonier in two weeks ~ one of those things is to finish the Rooster Pair rug that I started at Barb's in the Spring!! Off I go!! Have a good rest of the weekend!