It snowed last night here in Ohio ~ so, this is a good time to reflect back on our Florida trip and enjoy the memories of beautiful sunshiny days!
This was our last day and we all took a walk on the beach and to our surprise, there were all these beautiful sand-and-shell sculptures!

Each one was just fabulous ~ I had to use my phone
to take the photos but they turned out pretty good! A fellow came walking down from the houses by the beach and told us his neighborhood got together and did them ~ although, I had the feeling that he was responsible for a lot of the work!

He told us he was going to make a sign saying the artwork was done by "The Friendship Lane Art and Cultural Society"!!! Their street was just a little short street that ends at the beach and I'm thinking they have a wonderful time there!

This was a pair of flipflops ~ just thought I'd help you "see'" what this one is. Lots of time and effort went into creating these for the public to enjoy ~ it was a great end to our stay in Englewood!

We covered a lot of ground in those 10 days in February ~ lots of great food ~ lunches and dinners with mutual friends ~ beach walks ~ car rides ~ cute little shops ~ an art show ~ trips to the liquor store ~ the list goes on!

And this lovely couple are our benefactors ~ Diane and Greg ~ our friends from the lake! Thanks to them we've been able to enjoy time in Florida for the last four years!! We've had much fun together ~ we certainly see some sights while we're there! Thank you, friends ~ we love you guys!!
Soon we'll all be together at our lake havens ~ we have a lot of things going on ~ it may be mid June before we're there very much! I have a couple of shows, and a class here and a trip to Seattle is in the works! Sonny has decided that we're going to have three-day weekends every weekend we're up there ~ retirement isn't in our game plan but shorter work weeks are!! Woo hoo!! I can't wait!!! We definitely need some down time to just relax!
Yesterday, friend Vivian and I went to Columbus to return some things to The Container Store and then we went to Whole Foods ~ I love that place!!! I got tilapia, shrimp, chicken sausages, salsas, wine, salads ~ a veritable feast for our dinner last night and several nights to come!! Then to lunch at the
Morgan House in Dublin, where I bought a great little ORANGE purse! We had a great day even though we drove home in snow! Next Tuesday, Mr. Weatherman says it will be 65 degrees here ~ I can't wait!!
I actually feel like a new woman since my portion of the taxes are done ~ I have a new lease on life, so to speak!! Next Saturday, there are 6 coming for the proddy class ~ we could take two more ~ so I have patterns to draw ~ the hooking room to get in order ~ and I want to put together some bundles in colors the gals might want to use! Lots to do ~ and here I am on the computer!! Have a great weekend, peeps!!