Heidi and I traveled to the Fairlawn Library on Tuesday to hook with the gals!! We haven't been there very often lately ~ it was fun! This is Betty Young's little flower basket ~ I love the yellow greens and it's more primitive than what I usually see Betty hooking!
Kim is a cheerful looking girl, isnt' she? And so is her rug ~ I love the way she hooks even though she was thinking she should be hooking more even ~ her rug has lots of texture!

Linda and I met at the Western Reserve Hook-in last month and she's a fun gal for sure! Look at this great tote bag with leather handles that she made!! It's quite an eye-catching piece!!

This is Karen's latest rug and I have to tell you, I always love Karen's color choices ~ dark and dramatic and yet, antiquey looking!

Judy is really hooking a rug with large design to it ~ her hooking is beautiful ~ very even ~ and her colors are really soft. This is going to be a really nice rug!

My friend, Arlene, drew this fishy rug herself! And then took it to a class with Gail Dufresne ~ it has some interesting techniques added to it like clipped hooked loops ~ that gives it a little different look along the spines of the fish skeletons ~ cute rug , Arlene!

Look how happy Shirley is!! That's because she loves her animal rug that came from a Barbara Carroll workshop and because she's hooking it on one of our frames!!! Don't you love her purple moose ~ Shirley hooks whimsical things ~ and that's why she's smiling!

Concetta appears to be taking a small nap during her photo shoot!! But she's smiling because she is binding this fine cut rug ~ I would be happy, too, to have it finished. It really looks like a picture doesn't it ~ Concetta has pulled lots of little loops to make this beautiful rose rug.

And last but not least, Barbara and her Uncle Sam! She was working on a cute little floral but wanted the finished rug in the photo! Barbara comes from Ligonier and used to be a regular student of Barbara Carroll ~ go glad she found the library group to hang around with! I like her attitude!
There is a picture of Heidi, too ~ she didn't get much hooking done that day ~ and if I want to stay friends with her, I'll keep the photo to myself!! We'll get Heidi on here another day! We had a good time with all these gals ~ love seeing what they're working on. Oh, we had another one who didn't want her rug on at this time ~ dear Jane ~ and her rug looks great!! Next time, Jane and Heidi, will appear together!!
We left there early ~ I had a nail appointment I could not miss, had to show a house we have for sale, and then had guests coming for overnight! Our friends, Danese and Ted, left for Hilton Head yesterday morning for their new home ~ so that evening we ate, drank, and were merry to give them one last good memory of Ohio! We'll miss them but they've invited us to visit and no doubt we'll take them up on that invitation! Danese mentioned starting a blog and I encouraged her to do that, wholeheartedly! What a perfect time in their life to start sharing what this kind of transition is like ~ leaving a home of 50 years and building a new life ~ it can run every emotion, I would imagine from sad to funny to ridiculous to sweet!! I hope she goes with it ~ and when she does, I'll link it from here!
Now, I'm off to take Tad for an appointment and a hair cut! And then back home for office work ~ I've been fooling around with my computer for the last several hours trying to upload my pictures ~ it quit doing that the other day. Now, I have to upload them on Sonny's computer, email them to meself, copy them to the photo gallery and then begin my blog!!!!! That is wayyyyyy too much work ~ I need a little computer whiz to figure out my camera/ computer connection!! At any rate ~ I'm off! Hope you enjoyed the rugs ~ and we'll meet here again, soon!! Thanks for stopping by!