Was one of the things we celebrated over the holidays! Tad is my oldest son, 45, who lives with us and as I've mentioned, has Down's Syndrome. Even though his birthday is 3 days after Christmas, he always wants "the whole gang" as he calls us, to get together so off to a local restaurant we went ~ all 25 of us!! Here he is with 9 of the grandkids ~ the oldest, Nick, wasn't there yet!

I had to include this picture (even thought it's grainy) because it appears that a couple of the kids are praying while Tad blew out his candles!! We're a very spiritual group, you know!!

And this picture was cute to me for two reasons ~ because the grandpeople decorated themselves with the tissue paper from Tad's gifts (creative bunch that they are ~ they decorated great-granddaughter, Blakleigh as well!) and because Tad was so happy to be there in the midst of all these kids. As they get older, he enjoys them a lot more and all the little kids love their Uncle Tad a lot.

Here we are back at the house ~ Tad, Sonny, Miki (Ted's wife), Seattle son - Chris, Mama, Ted, and Korinna, Sonny's daughter ~ don't know where the rest were at that moment. I love this picture because, again, Tad was just so happy ~ he had a great holiday season with his family ~ and that means a lot this mother!
I got a little hooking time in today on Hannah's fish and all in all, it has been a pretty quiet weekend. Good thing, because we have a busy week ahead of us! Ta ta for now ~
You have such a great looking family. Much to be proud and thankful for! Tad sure is a sweetheart! Thank-you too for your sweet comments on my blog. It's tough to hold it all together sometimes but I'm trying! I'm so glad to have met you here in blogland! XXOO Cathy G
Ohh, such sweet photos. Tad looks like the happiest guy on earth. We should all feel as grateful for families as Tad does. You can see it in his smile.
Awww..Alice, what wonderful pictures of your lovely family! Happy belated birthday wishes for Tad!(: I hope you are staying warm..it sure is cold here! brrr!
sending warm hugs~Kathy
Hi Alice!
I ordered Jane Halliwell Green's new book because I'm going to take her workshop in Maine in June. I see your rug!!! Love it! I'm very excited to take the class, plus I've never been to Maine. I'm treating my step-daughter, Lily, to the trip with me as she has become quite the hooker herself. Beautiful rug Alice!
Alice ~
Happy belated birthday to Tad!
You and Sonny have such handsome families. Looks like you had a blast.
Stay warm :)
Thanks everybody for your kind words ~ everyday is something new and interesting here and we're trying to enjoy the journey!!
And Dulcy ~ thanks for the rug compliment and how GREAT it is that Lily and you will get to do Jane's class together! I'm looking forward to meeting Jane next summer when she's in Ohio teaching at Sauder Rug School!!
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