I'm coming out of my holiday exhaustion and am able to function again!!! This is how we spent New Years Eve ~ in Port Clinton ~ watching the infamous Walleye Drop!! Actually, I lifted this photo from the newspaper archives (mine was with my phone and toooo blurry)! It wasn't really cold as it has been other years and was quite fun hanging out in the street waiting for midnight with our friends! We started out the evening at our friends' condos for appetizers and then went to dinner in town and then to Kokomo Bay!
And in Kokomo Bay, we met this very adventurous girl, Lisa from Atlanta! I took a photo, again with my phone (sorry) of Lisa and Brian, our friends' son, who came to join us from Chicago!! See how much fun we are ~ they come from far and wide to hang out with us!! Lisa googled New Years Eve and chose between P.C. and Key West!! I told her she should have called me ~ I would have given her some advice!! She was very fun ~ and I'm so impressed that she drove up here alone ~ she even made the newspaper! And then she commented on my New Years Day post and said we made her New Years!!! Imagine that!!
This lovely trio, I have titled "old guys in hats"!!!!!!!! We had a great laugh over this ~ Bill, Sonny & John all have these nice caps and coincidentally, all wore them ~ it was too good not to capture for posterity!! Actually, a cap like that brings fond memories to mind for me ~ my dad died when I was a little girl and he always wore a cap like that ~ I'm kind of drawn to an old guy in a hat, especially the one in the middle!
My Seattle kids were home for 10 days and it was a whirlwind of activity the whole time! When they left on the 2nd, I took to my bed and I've just kept a slow pace since then! Last night we went out to the little art gallery in Mansfield and out for a little dinner ~ home by 9 p.m. ~ yes, me home by 9!!!!!!!! Scary!!
I'll post a bit more about our holidays ~ and about the hooking my little grandpeople did ~ and then it's back to reality! Hope you all had wonderful holidays and are looking forward to a fantastic 2010!! I'm looking forward to a better year for our building business ~ it's starting out on a much more positive note than last year! And I'm looking forward to a year of good health and happiness and as much fun as we can squeeze out of this life! I wish the same for you!
9 hours ago
Happy New Year! The walleye drop ;ooks very interesting!! LOL!
Hi Alice,
I look forward to the accounts of your adventurous social life! You have a gift for finding friends where ever you go! I just love it!!!
I was reading your blog to catch up on your life--what energy you have! I love to read about your family and friends and see the pics of your grandkids and rugs and Sonny! You little lovebirds! Keep on keeping on. Oh, and a big CONGRATULATIONS on your entry into
Jane Halliwell Green's "Pictoria Hooked Rugs." Your rug was so neat. Take care. Love, Jeanne
My dad was an "old man in a hat", too, Alice! And he wore hats just like that. When he passed away a few years ago, my (then 11-year-old) nephew took those hats for himself to remember "Papa", which made my heart happy. Thanks for sharing the photo! cheers...tammy
Hi girls! Yes, the Walleye Drop is one-of-a-kind entertainment, that's for sure! And I love to make people who are alone feel welcome ~ I would want someone to do that for me!
Red ~ do you think we're like lovebirds??!! Holy crow ~ we have a friend who says we look like we're having an affair!! Let it continue!!
Thanks Tammy for stopping by ~ I checked on your blog ~ I need someone to get me organized ~ think how much more fun I could have!!
Hey Alice,
I think we have a mutual admiration society--you could call that love! Take care. (Does your friend know we are both Red-Headed????) LOVE, Jeanne
I think I meant that my friend thinks that Sonny and I are like a love affair!!!!!! But I do think you and I have a mutual admiration society !!!!!!!! I'm laughing a lot, you crazy REDhead!!!!
OMG!!! I just re-read what you replied. Talk about RED faced, that I am !!!!! My hubby just asked me why I was laughing so hard milk was coming out of my nose!Oh, Lordy, I DO love you,
my funny Alice! Jeanne
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