For this season, yes, my shows are over ~ I do two a year and since they were back-to-back weekends, I'm show free the rest of this year! This was my booth (I have to say, that booth looks very messy to me) at Saturday's show at Malabar Farm,
"In the Spirit of Friends"which was a fabulous show, for sure! Five gals who are friends, put together a great folk art and antique show that the shopping public absolutely loved! The weather was great ~ the venue was great ~ and the grounds were dotted with primitives and garden art and antiques galore! I was happy to be there peddling my wool and frames to people who love to create handmade goods with quality woolens ~ people were very gracious with their kinds words ~ it was a great day!

This is a side view of our booth the previous week at the Quailcrest Herb Fair ~ there's a cute older gentleman back there counting money, I'm sure!! I love that show, scattered among the herb gardens at Quailcrest Farm ~ by the end of the day, my booth looked like it had been ransacked ~ it was a great day there as well!

Last week, I dyed wool everyday ~ this is one of my piles of dyed strips that I did ~ I just threw a lot of different wools into the dye pots and whatever happened, happened!! I got some really interesting colors and little bits of color are a nice way for people to add to their wool stash! This week will be devoted to getting the wool room back in order and then maybe I'll resume dying ~ for now, you can't even walk thru my studio since we emptied the truck yesterday and it's all sitting in crates and containers waiting to be sorted!
Kathy, one of my blog readers and email friends, stopped by the booth on Saturday and brought me this sweet little nosegay that she made for me!!! A gift for me!! That was very sweet of her ~ and now I got to meet my new friend face to face!!! I so appreciated her thoughtfulness and I loved her telling the old guy how much she likes my blog! Throughout the day, gals would come in the booth and say the same thing!! I couldn't have paid enough for those kind of compliments in front of Sonny boy ~ he always wonders what the devil I do on the computer all the time ~ and these lovely ladies just made my day!!!!!!! Thanks, Girls!!!! And thank you, Kathy!!
At the top left sidebar, you may have noticed that I just added my new
website!! I started building that thing in March, totally set it aside and just now finished it!! I did it myself!! It certainly has much work to follow ~ I need to really make an effort to build a product line to offer other than frames and hooks ~ I would love to sell wool and some finished things thru there, so that will be on my to-do list in the near future!! I want to offer my classes in a more organized way, too ~ right now, I set up a class to suit the students especially for them but I know I should also offer a schedule of classes for people to sign up for!! This could just be my year to get really organized!! So check out the website and let me know what you think ~ I'd really appreciate that!! And any suggestions ~ we'd love that, too!!
We really had a full weekend ~ Friday, we set up the booth at Malabar, and then in the evening went out for dinner ~ Saturday finished setting up before the show started at 10 and after packing up at the end of the day, we went out for supper and ran into friends ~ I was really tired after all that! And yesterday, we had a wiener roast for all the family ~ 19 of us!! The girls all brought such scrumptious food ~ Ami made candied apples that looked so good, the kids all thought Martha Stewart was there!! I was too tired to come up to the house for the camera ~ I should have ~ they were all having such a good time!!
Today, I'm coasting ~ just taking it easy and trying to get back in the groove! I hope you all had a good weekend! I am so grateful for our busy life ~ it might be too hectic for some but we kind of thrive on it!!! Till next time ~