Lori and her husband, have a great house with lots of collections! This one is a gathering of 'peck peck birds'! None of us had ever seen any and here is a whole flock of them!! They wind up and peck and jump around ~ great little pieces made from mohair as I remember!!
Sherry brought us all curly willow branches to share ~ I haven't seen those either!! It's amazing what I don't know about!! They looked great in this crock ~ we should have left them all ~ but we didn't!!
We had a great day and thank you, Lori, for letting me take a few pix to commemorate our get together! Our other friend is Pat Knapp ~ she and her husband owned The Village Idiot Antique Shop for many years ~ always a delight to be with and a wealth of knowledge about primitives!!
Okay ~ I'm off ~ there's just more fun to be had than I can handle!! Ta ta for now friends!!