A good time was had by all!! At least, that's what they conveyed to me at the time! MJ, who just flew in from wintering in Florida, is looking over Dawn's shoulder and Pam ~ my wonderful lunch helper ~ is looking on! They all worked on my Lexington Proddy Sheep pattern that is at the top left of the sidebar.
Linda, MJ, Pam and Jackie show off their progress at the end of the day! We really had a lots of laughs ~ Linda was especially glad to get here after being lost on these twisty, turning country roads with no markings! We were sure glad she found her way here!
Lauren and Dawn thought they were so cute hiding behind their work ~ Deb was very proud to show her face!! Lauren really got a lot of her proddy done ~ she picked beautiful background and border wools.
Here's Lauren's face ~ she's taking a picture of me

taking a picture of her. Deb is very serious about her work ~ she was doing a great job on her sheep and flag background. Linda is also doing a flag background on hers ~ love that!
I wanted you to see a close up of Deb and Jackie's
sheep faces ~ they're doing them in Leicester sheep fleece that I had in my stash! So cute ~ they're going to be very fuzzy faces ~ one with hooked ears and one with proddy ears! Jackie and MJ really stepped out of the color box and chose purples and teals for their sheep ~ I hope they like them as well when they're done as they did that day! Of course, you know I was crazy about the vibrant colors!
Jackie is modeling her Funky Flower purse that she made in our fall class ~ I was so glad she brought it along to show everybody! She and Deb came from Pittsburgh bright and early that day and Dawn from Indiana ~ bless their hearts for travelling so far ~ Linda and Lauren travelled a distance, too ~ they want to plan a class for summer ~ I have to get my thinking cap on!!
I do try to give the gals a great experience while they're here ~ they get a nice lunch ~ a house tour ~ great wool to work with ~ and I try to teach them something new so they leave here feeling their time was well spent! Thanks to each one of you for a day of fun and sharing!
My next post will be about the International Quilt Festival that Heidi and I went to ~ what a great time that was!! We're already planning on it for next year!!
I'm getting ready for a show this Saturday at the fairgrounds in Mansfield ~ Gathered Treasures ~ a great primitive show ~ come see us! The info and link to their website is on my sidebar! Then on Sunday, we leave for the Woolley Fox for three days of my favorite pastime ~ hooking!!! What a week I've got going! Ta ta for now!