This is granddaughter, Jordyn, and Luci ~ they are right across the hall from each other ~ cousins ~ who will have a great time going thru school together! Jordyn is my step-son, Chris's, little girl! I actually went by the bus stop where Luke and the boys from across the street were waiting but ~ grandma's battery had to be changed ~ and just then the bus came!! So I missed out on that cute picture!!

We had a fun weekend ~ lots of fun, actually! Sonny and his son, Brian, had a job up at the lake and Brian stayed over Friday evening!! He is quite entertaining and joined all of us at the Moose Club for a late supper ~ he made us all laugh ~ a lot!!
Saturday morning, Sonny and I left early (before Brian even got up) and went to the local farm market and to Lakeside to an antique show!! We didn't buy much at all ~ two antique glass net floats ~ so we saved a lots of money!! One funny thing I saw was two women arguing over a vintage bracelet!! One woman offered the dealer less than the sticker price ~ the lady next to her offered more than the sticker price!!! The first one didn't like that one bit but she had the bracelet in her hand!! The dealer said she wasn't selling it to either one of them!!!! When I walked away they were still shouting at one another ~ I think the bracelet was worth more than the dealer knew!!!! Wonder how it turned out? We spent the rest of the afternoon walking around Lakeside ~ it is so peaceful there ~ so picturesque ~ little cottages ~ big houses ~ quaint little gardens ~ kind of a little place from a time long ago.
And from the sublime to the ridiculous!!! In the late afternoon, we and another couple went to Put-in-bay for the evening!! We got to the ferry and found that the last boat comes back at 8 p.m. (new schedule) and we would only be able to be there 3 hours!! So the only smart thing to do was to use the tickets that Sonny and I already had and exchange them for 4 one way tickets (rather than let them go to waste!) and then bring the Jet Express back home later in the evening!! Grand idea ~ only that left John's car in one place and us returning to another!! But, in our wisdom, that's what we did!!! Our condo is in walking distance (sort of) from the Jet, so at 11 at night, we hoofed it back home ~ in the dark ~ with a little extra fuel under our belts!!! It was funny ~ gave us something to laugh about ~ and the next day, Sonny took John to pick up his car!!! We had fun at PIB ~ saw some people we know ~ as always! ~ had some good food at a new restaurant over there ~ had some great chocolate martinis at a place on the water ~ and got our exercise walking around the town!! Oh ~ and listened to Pete and Wayne sing at the Roundhouse ~ they're from Key West ~ pretty wild ~ not for the faint of heart!!! Then it turned very cold and windy and the people I was with didn't bring jackets ~ so they all had to go shopping ~ I'm sure the shops did a 'brisk' business that night!!!!
Sunday, at noon, we had all our friends over for bloody marys!! Sonny made this concoction from a recipe he found ~ it had a gazillion ingredients ~ had to be cooked ~ cooled ~ and then run thru the emulsifier!!!! Wayyyyy to many steps for me ~ but he loves doing such stuff!! It was really spicy ~ one of the gals brought a can of tomato juice ~ the saving grace ~ and Karen and I had mimosas!!! Everyone brought a little tidbit or two and we spent the afternoon eating and being merry!! So much fun! I have to say, one more time ~ I'm so grateful for friends and being able to laugh at the silliest things!!!
I do have more rug pix but last week got away from me ~ as most days and weeks do!! I'll do better this week!!! Hope you all had a good weekend and are looking forward to the one coming up!! Our last summer weekend ~ one last hurrah!! Where did summer go?