This little Santa was hooked by me years ago and what I love about it is that the background is the linen foundation. It hooks up pretty fast and would make a nice gift!
A couple of months ago, a customer ordered the pattern so thought I would draw up a few and offer them for sale. It will 9 x 12 and is $20 ~ since it's Cyber Monday, I'll include the USA shipping for today only! Email me at gfraizer@neo.rr.com!
Thanks so much for reading ~ I've been missing in action for a while ~ life gets so busy here!! We had a great Thanksgiving at our lake place with Ted and family ~ even went to Walmart and bought a Black Friday special! That's a first for us ~ it was very orderly and Sonny got a good buy on a flat screen tv. The kids make such fun of us because we still watch tv's with tubes and not very big ones at that!! Combine that with the fact that Sonny recently got a smart phone ~ they're pretty impressed!
Have a good week and I'll get these out as fast as I can!!!
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