Our tree, cut and decorated by my mister!! The rug is a vintage piece found at the Lakeside antique show this summer.

Antique aprons and bonnets in the back entry hall ~ covered with Christmas things!

Bottle brush trees with antique and folk art Santas in 'Marge's cupboard'!

A hooked Santa pillow in among antique bears and vintage Santas on a sled.

Redware Santas ~

Miniature carved Santas on a reproduction cupboard.

Miss Luci and her friend made these huge paper snowflakes!

Went to a fun and festive dinner at friend Adelle's!

Her centerpiece was a collection of hand-carved trees by local artist, Tim Gorka!

Sonny making peach and blackberry jam the week before Christmas ~ Tad and I watch!

Christmas morning, I made a Black Forest cake and Sonny baked an apple pie in an iron skillet!

Before everyone arrived! There were only 20 of us since the Seattle family spent Christmas in Cabo San Lucas!! We had a fun day with lots of good food and not a lot of craziness ~ that was a blessing!!

The week before we celebrated Luci's (on the right) 11th birthday and attended her Christmas concert!

And last but not least, we celebrated Tad's 49th birthday yesterday with another family gathering! Cheryl got him a tuxedo t-shirt and it set the tone for a cute picture with his girls!

This beautiful arrangement was at the Happy Grape, where some of us went later on last evening, to celebrate DIL Cheryl's upcoming 50th birthday! Our first stop was Mike's pizza pub ~ it was karaoke night and we were treated to my son Teddy singing a little song for all to enjoy!! We laughed till we cried! He's recovering from shoulder surgery but always entertaining!!
And that, my friends, is why I haven't blogged very much! To say nothing of the fact that we didn't start shopping until December 21!! But we got it all done and wrapped ~ amazing to me!!! We live on the edge here ~ it keeps us on our toes!!
I hope each and everyone had a blessed Christmas ~ Sonny and I are very grateful for our large fun-loving family and for everyone's good health and good humor! We're enjoying the journey!!
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