We went to several art shows while in Florida ~ we saw fabulous things that we're not exposed to here in Ohio! We loved it and tried to soak it all in ~ wishing we had unlimited funds and space to put new things!

This pendant came home with me ~ made of coiled aluminum wire ~ I wore it almost everyday! We made a little trip to Siesta Key and there happened to be an art show on the streets ~ yay!

This small tile-size painting has mini shells and a glass disc and is built up with maybe plaster ~ I love it! We met the artist at Englewood's Arts Alliance one day and then she was displaying her art at The Fishery art show ~ so glad that she had some small pieces to choose from ~ affordable and easy to pack in the suitcase and perfect for our lake place!
Diane and Greg asked us to go to Venice on our next to last day ~ look at all the art on the street!

These are just a few of the painted dolphins that were displayed along the curbside.
Also lots of turtles ~ but I didn't get any turtle pix.
This was all little mirror mosaics.

Art was everywhere ~ This was a stairway leading to a real estate office ~ love the stair risers ~ little glass discs and mirror tiles laid into a grout-type material! It caught my eye!
We went to the Sarasota Farmers Market and there was a huge juried art show in conjunction with it ~ wonderful art of all kinds ~ we've got it on the calendar for next year! Already, we're planning our return to Englewood for 2014!
We had a great time ~ if you are a Facebook friend, you were privy to my daily posts regarding fun, food and liquid refreshments!! Tad and his sitter got along great while we were gone ~ Tad asked me the other day if we're going away again for a long time in 2014!! Woo hoo!! Sonny's son, Brian, aptly handled the large project they have going on so all was well while these grandparents had our own 'Spring Break' in Florida!!
Last evening we went to calling hours for a high school classmate of mine. Tom Hord was a great guy as was evidenced by the many many people who came to pay their respects to his family. He was ill only three months and proves that we don't know what our path will be. An old saying "We make plans ~ God laughs" is so true. But we will continue to make plans and love the life we have and live each day to the fullest!! At the beauty salon last week, one of the gals said YOLO as she was leaving ~ I asked what that meant and she said You Only Live Once! Even though it is the way we go through life ~ I'll be saying it out loud!
But now it's back to reality ~ time to get the taxes ready for the accountant and put some order to this office! Hope all is well in your corner of the world and remember ~ YOLO!!
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