Last Saturday, we had a great show at Malabar Farm just outside of Mansfield! This is my booth ~ hogde podgey ~ that's what I always think ~ but colorful!! Just like the the person who set it up!!! We had no rain ~ lots of shoppers ~ a great day! I love a show in this kind of setting when the weather is good ~ and of course, when my things are 'well received'!!!
These booths were across from us and at the entrance to the barn! Lots of primitive folk art and antiques inside and out!
Our friends, Vivian and Lou Schomburg, have great colonial boxes and shelves and cupboards! Perfect for the colonial or primitive home! We went to dinner after the show at the Malabar Inn ~ very good food and a welcome respite after all our hard work!! Sonny and I were celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary which was on Sunday ~ 29 glorious, blissful, fun-filled, crazy years!!! Many of them were, anyway!!
These two couples stopped by the booth and I'm sorry I wasn't more mindful of the lighting!! Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dundore and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Krebs dress like this for fun and travel around to various places ~ they're not paid ~ they do it just for their own entertainment and to bring a bit of the olden days into the present! I enjoyed our conversation immensely and wish I had more time to talk with them. By the way, all their clothing was vintage ~ not costumes!!
Tonite, I have a houseguest ~ friend Jackie from Pittsburgh! Tomorrow morning we leave for our class in Tipp City with Alice Strebel, Nola Heidbreder and Karen Kahle!! We're looking forward to seeing friends from last year and working on a new project ~ which by the way, is kind of a mystery! We do know it's a geometric of some sort! So when we return, I'll have pictures and stories to tell ~ check in and see what we created!!
Have a good weekend, everybody!
20 hours ago