12 hours ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Today, I received this little gathering of materials for our second blog challenge. Ali Strebel sent us 5 little red beads, a felted heart, a strip of dyed nylon hosiery, a longer strip of cotton lace and a really long strip of sari ribbon ~ kind of a salmon red color. So, here we go again ~ stretching our creative brains to come up with a fun way to use all these bits and pieces! I think our deadline is January 20th ~ stay tuned! And check out the other girls' blogs ~ Maria Barton, Kris Miller and Ali's.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Over the holiday weekend, my followers list hit 100!!! So, using the 'random number generator' website, Susan Pilotto of Crows Nest Primitive Folk Art was picked to win a quarter yard of my marbleized wool! Upon checking her blog, it worked out really well that Susan uses wool in her creations ~ email me your address, Susan, and I will send this off in a hurry! You have no idea how much we bloggers appreciate our followers and our readers ~ it's wonderful to know that you're out there and interested in what we have to say! Keep coming back and we love it when you leave comments! That's how we know you're there!!
Remember my Christmas day post, where I mentioned that an online order for the little girls did not arrive and I said I was headed to the studio to make a couple of scarves so the girls would have a present? Well, here they are!! I made two of them and the girls seemed to like them a lot! One of their moms said she would like one, too ~ I haven't made her one yet, but I will!! I have this stash of felted sweaters that I use for purses and future projects, so I opened the cupboard and spread them all out on the floor and went to work!! They did turn out cute and I wonder why I don't make more!! Sometimes, this stuff is only fun to me when I have to crank it out and meet a deadline ~ think there's something a little quirky about that? Yeah ~ me, too!!! At any rate, you all know I love sparkly things and the hearts are made from some sparkly sweaters that are part of my stash!
A quick photo of our holiday baking ~ black forest cake for me (I've misplaced my treasured recipe and had to wing it) and Sonny baked an apple pie that got great raves! We had a wonderful dinner of turkey and a tenderloin ~ and the kids all brought the rest of the dinner ~ we ate nonstop, it seemed ~ we all were like stuffed turkeys! The kids had a rousing game of Sequence that Brian brought ~ very fun and Tad even played with them! Only 20 of us this year, so it seemed a little quiet for this group!
Tad's 46th birthday is today and we all went out for supper last night to celebrate! I bought him a Levi's jacket since he liked mine so much but all the way over to the gathering, he kept saying it was "too tight on his back"!! He ditched that jacket the minute we hit the door and wore his sister-in-law's down filled/fur collared jacket home!!!!!!! Guess that present is going back!!! Anyone who knows Tad understands exactly what I'm saying! He's a character ~ he enjoyed Christmas immensely this year ~ spent the whole day downstairs with us and had a great time! Today, his birthday, will actually be quieter ~ maybe a little shopping with his gift cards!
Sonny took off last week and this week, too ~ it's been fun ~ today, we're both getting projects done ~ he's building hooking frames and I hope a stand or two. We sold the last hooking stand yesterday! I'm trying to catch up in the office so I can close out the year by Friday! It's nice to not be in a rush like last week ~ whew! It's a wonder we made it but I always say "we've never missed a Christmas yet". This year, we really pushed the envelope!
Have a great restful week ~ today is a beautiful sunshiny day here in Ohio!
Remember my Christmas day post, where I mentioned that an online order for the little girls did not arrive and I said I was headed to the studio to make a couple of scarves so the girls would have a present? Well, here they are!! I made two of them and the girls seemed to like them a lot! One of their moms said she would like one, too ~ I haven't made her one yet, but I will!! I have this stash of felted sweaters that I use for purses and future projects, so I opened the cupboard and spread them all out on the floor and went to work!! They did turn out cute and I wonder why I don't make more!! Sometimes, this stuff is only fun to me when I have to crank it out and meet a deadline ~ think there's something a little quirky about that? Yeah ~ me, too!!! At any rate, you all know I love sparkly things and the hearts are made from some sparkly sweaters that are part of my stash!
A quick photo of our holiday baking ~ black forest cake for me (I've misplaced my treasured recipe and had to wing it) and Sonny baked an apple pie that got great raves! We had a wonderful dinner of turkey and a tenderloin ~ and the kids all brought the rest of the dinner ~ we ate nonstop, it seemed ~ we all were like stuffed turkeys! The kids had a rousing game of Sequence that Brian brought ~ very fun and Tad even played with them! Only 20 of us this year, so it seemed a little quiet for this group!
Tad's 46th birthday is today and we all went out for supper last night to celebrate! I bought him a Levi's jacket since he liked mine so much but all the way over to the gathering, he kept saying it was "too tight on his back"!! He ditched that jacket the minute we hit the door and wore his sister-in-law's down filled/fur collared jacket home!!!!!!! Guess that present is going back!!! Anyone who knows Tad understands exactly what I'm saying! He's a character ~ he enjoyed Christmas immensely this year ~ spent the whole day downstairs with us and had a great time! Today, his birthday, will actually be quieter ~ maybe a little shopping with his gift cards!
Sonny took off last week and this week, too ~ it's been fun ~ today, we're both getting projects done ~ he's building hooking frames and I hope a stand or two. We sold the last hooking stand yesterday! I'm trying to catch up in the office so I can close out the year by Friday! It's nice to not be in a rush like last week ~ whew! It's a wonder we made it but I always say "we've never missed a Christmas yet". This year, we really pushed the envelope!
Have a great restful week ~ today is a beautiful sunshiny day here in Ohio!
give away,
marbleized wool,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone ~ we made it! Sonny and I power shopped on Thursday and Friday ~ combined with various stops along the way with friends and family ~ had our famed Fraizer Builder Christmas lunch yesterday (that consists of Sonny and his two employees ~ son, Brian, and me ~ Brian's wife and Tad also joined us) ~ and we went to a holiday party last night at our friends, Margo and Cliff's!!!! We wrapped gifts yesterday afternoon ~ a little more to do this morning!
I baked another black forest cake yesterday and will assemble it as soon as I write a few more words! Sonny made a pumpkin pie, an apple pie and a fruitcake yesterday afternoon ~ Dora domestic is at it again! And at 4 p.m. yesterday, I found out that the online shopping that I did for 2 granddaughters WAS NOT SHIPPED (that was the one that offered free shipping and guaranteed Dec. 24th delivery)!!!!!!! So along with an apology and a promise of Tuesday delivery, the girls will get some nice wintery scarves that I'm going to the sewing/hooking room to make as soon as the cake gets put together!!! I'll show you pictures after they're done ~ out of felted sweaters and odds and ends ~ hopefully, the old girl can pull this off!!! Welcome to Alice's world!!!!!!!! Shopping early may have avoided this little debacle ~ but it would take all the fun out of it!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My Christmas wish for you is that you're surrounded by lots of people who love you ~ lots of good food to nourish you ~ and lots of fun to make you laugh! My Seattle son and family are in Montana having Christmas with my daughter-in-law's family and they all attend church together on Christmas Eve. Both of them sent me the same picture, from their phones, of the beautiful altar ~ one with the caption "Jesus is the reason for the season" and Coni's had a stream of light that beamed down on the altar and hers said "God is watching". I wondered if each knew the other was sending it ~ it was very beautiful and touching to me to be included in their thoughts.
Enjoy the day! Alice
Monday, December 20, 2010
TAA DAA ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well, folks ~ this is it!! This is what I created from the bag of goodies that Maria Barton sent to Ali Strebel, Kris Miller and me! Do you remember from the December 1st post ~ ribbon, pipe cleaners, wire, a star button (I just realized the star connection to Star Rug Company - duh!), a red wool ball and the dangly Christmas tree ornament? And from that we had to come up with some fun thing? Twenty days later, this is my fun thing! And it's been hard ~ a real challenge for sure!
A couple of hours ago, I decided to try some white fuzzy wool for the snow on the tree ~ you can see the ball of yarn to the upper left. It appeared to have the desired affect, so I continued on! I sewed on the star button, the dangly tree ornament, then affixed the wire hanger to the top ~ there are two mini bells attached to the wire where it joins the hooked piece, but I'm not so sure you can see that very well!
So, a week or so ago, I put this monks cloth on the frame and drew out a little tree. As I kept looking at this little bag of treats ~ I kept seeing a tree. But, I also decided that was just too obvious ~ we're probably all thinking trees ~ and I tried to come up with something else ~ but nothing 'else' was coming to mind! Then I thought, if I get too creative, it will just get outlandish ~ so, here we are!
I gathered fabrics and settled on the red sparkly (which I don't know if you can really see the sparkles), a black confetti for the background and some of my green marbleized wool for the tree. It all seemed to work pretty well together and I hooked the little mat in one evening or maybe two ~ I kind of forget ~ and then it set until tonite (Sunday evening is when I'm writing this). I had it figured out but just had to wait till the last minute to see if it would work ~ I love a suspense story!
Then I took pictures of the thing for probably an hour before I got what I thought were acceptable ones for the blog! I hung it on a white wall, a pale blue wall, the blue and white checkered wallpaper in the kitchen and finally, the navy star paper in my office!! Honestly ~ unbelievable ~ that it would take so long! But the red sparkly border didn't show up until there was the nice contrast with the dark blue paper!
Maria put these together so you, our readers, can see our projects all together ~ doesn't it look great! It's definitely been interesting and each one of us had a totally different approach as the embellishments spoke to each of us in our own unique way! Thanks to Maria for bringing this creative challenge to fruition ~ and now you have to wait another month to see the second installment of "As the Hookers Turn" !!
Enjoy the hustle bustle of the next few days ~ I'm going to try! We're having a gathering here tomorrow night for a friend's birthday ~ I baked a black forest cake tonite which I'll assemble in the early morning ~ then off to the grocery ~ then whip some appetizers together ~ lunch with two hooker friends ~ get these scuffed up nails done ~ and back home to put it altogether!! Thanks goodness for my cleaning lady ~ and for Sonny ~ he's a big help when it comes to entertaining! Tonite, he made three batches of red and black raspberry jam ~ I call him Dora Domestic!! Nighty night!!!
Maria put these together so you, our readers, can see our projects all together ~ doesn't it look great! It's definitely been interesting and each one of us had a totally different approach as the embellishments spoke to each of us in our own unique way! Thanks to Maria for bringing this creative challenge to fruition ~ and now you have to wait another month to see the second installment of "As the Hookers Turn" !!
Enjoy the hustle bustle of the next few days ~ I'm going to try! We're having a gathering here tomorrow night for a friend's birthday ~ I baked a black forest cake tonite which I'll assemble in the early morning ~ then off to the grocery ~ then whip some appetizers together ~ lunch with two hooker friends ~ get these scuffed up nails done ~ and back home to put it altogether!! Thanks goodness for my cleaning lady ~ and for Sonny ~ he's a big help when it comes to entertaining! Tonite, he made three batches of red and black raspberry jam ~ I call him Dora Domestic!! Nighty night!!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Here's part of it anyway!! This is driving me crazy ~ this could be the best part of it!! Stay tuned ~ tomorrow's the day!!!!
This is what is on my frame now. I started it last week ~ it is a free pattern from Betty Dekat of Primitive Betty's blog ~ she is the most generous spirit ~ I took this pattern off her blog last winter and it's taken me till now to start it! I've used lots of sparkly wools and have to figure out the background yet. Wonder if it will get done by Christmas?
Went to a fabulous wedding this past Saturday ~ I'll have to blog about that later ~ this old girl is tired!! I'll be back tomorrow with my challenge piece ~ wish me luck!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
No pictures today ~ just words ~ words of gratitude for some wonderful things that happened today!
One of Sonny's customers sent us a gift card along with their check!! That was very unusual, unexpected and much appreciated!!
My dear friend, Melody, sent me a beautiful Christmas arrangement to say thank you for being an uplifting friend to her! Now, just guess who was uplifted?! I love fresh flowers and love to send them to people to appreciate while they are living and I appreciate these Christmas flowers very much, friend!
I went to a meeting this morning to distribute our Homebuilders Auxiliary auction money ~ we were so glad to be able to help numerous, and I mean numerous, families pay electric bills, buy groceries, gas cards to get to out of town doctors, and coats for kids, ~ the list goes on. It was wonderful to be able to help so many deserving people due to the generosity of our builder and supplier friends ~ all of them showing their gratitude for continuing business by donating to those less fortunate! It really is a blessing to be a part of that!
Today, I took son, Tad, to the dentist for a cleaning and a filling ~ he really is quite funny and entertaining ~ out in the lobby, I could hear all the girls laughing and carrying on because he was making them laugh ~ he's quite a schmoozer when he wants to be! They are all so kind and sweet to him ~ and that means so much to both him and me ~ he was definitely a bright spot in their day, today! And I am so happy that he's happy!
And we got a very sweet thank you note today from Sonny's daughter. Two weeks ago, out of the blue, she lost her job of 14 years. She handled it with class and grace and is looking at it as an opportunity ~ she thanked us for being so supportive to her in such a stressful time ~ that thank you meant a lot!
This morning on Good Morning America, they interviewed a new author, John Kralik ~ the title of his book which will be out in a week or so is "365 Thank Yous" about how writing a thank-you note a day, changed his life! I'm going to buy it when it comes out!
So, this is my thank you today, to the universe, for some really wonderful, uplifting events that made it a really great day!! Maybe you will think about the things that uplift you!
Make today a great day ~ Alice
One of Sonny's customers sent us a gift card along with their check!! That was very unusual, unexpected and much appreciated!!
My dear friend, Melody, sent me a beautiful Christmas arrangement to say thank you for being an uplifting friend to her! Now, just guess who was uplifted?! I love fresh flowers and love to send them to people to appreciate while they are living and I appreciate these Christmas flowers very much, friend!
I went to a meeting this morning to distribute our Homebuilders Auxiliary auction money ~ we were so glad to be able to help numerous, and I mean numerous, families pay electric bills, buy groceries, gas cards to get to out of town doctors, and coats for kids, ~ the list goes on. It was wonderful to be able to help so many deserving people due to the generosity of our builder and supplier friends ~ all of them showing their gratitude for continuing business by donating to those less fortunate! It really is a blessing to be a part of that!
Today, I took son, Tad, to the dentist for a cleaning and a filling ~ he really is quite funny and entertaining ~ out in the lobby, I could hear all the girls laughing and carrying on because he was making them laugh ~ he's quite a schmoozer when he wants to be! They are all so kind and sweet to him ~ and that means so much to both him and me ~ he was definitely a bright spot in their day, today! And I am so happy that he's happy!
And we got a very sweet thank you note today from Sonny's daughter. Two weeks ago, out of the blue, she lost her job of 14 years. She handled it with class and grace and is looking at it as an opportunity ~ she thanked us for being so supportive to her in such a stressful time ~ that thank you meant a lot!
This morning on Good Morning America, they interviewed a new author, John Kralik ~ the title of his book which will be out in a week or so is "365 Thank Yous" about how writing a thank-you note a day, changed his life! I'm going to buy it when it comes out!
So, this is my thank you today, to the universe, for some really wonderful, uplifting events that made it a really great day!! Maybe you will think about the things that uplift you!
Make today a great day ~ Alice
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Today is Miss Luci's 8th birthday ~ she's the little bitty one! We took Luci and granddaughter, Jordyn (she's also 8) to a local greenhouse for lunch! It was to be their annual Christmas Tea but it got cancelled it till next week due to weather ~ we have plans for next weekend so Grandpa said to ask if we could come and have lunch ~ yes, we could! So, here are the two little cousins, standing in front of one of the loaded trees, all stuffed from their lunch and bubble-gum tea! We heard some funny stories and shopped around and dropped them back at Luci's house ~ they were going to dance to Michael Jackson music!! We're going back for soup and cake tonite! I'll be really stuffed from celebrating Luci's birthday because on top of all this, Grandpa made pancakes and bacon for Luci's birthday breakfast!!
Love this snowman! I'm thinking it is Rita's rug ~ but if I'm not thinking right, again, let me know! Cute, isn't it?
Friday night was our annual Homebuilders Christmas party ~ it was a beautiful night ~ weather was swell and we had our usual good time! After the dinner and lots of mingling, we went to the Martini bar (again) and there were just lots of people we knew ~ once again, we were the oldest people in there ~ it seems like often we are anymore! We joined our kids there ~ they were also at the party ~ Sonny's son, Brian, is the president and my son, Ted, is on the board ~ and many of their friends, etc. I have to say everyone is just swell to us ~ they don't make us feel like the oldest people in the place!!
Saturday, a friend and I had a lengthy breakfast ~ trying to say everything we hadn't got talked over in the last couple of months! Then Luke and Luci came to spend the night ~ their momma had her 40th birthday this week and they went off for a party with a cast of thousands!! We played nertz and go fish and ate KFC chicken!! And Grandpa and Luke got the Christmas tree and got it put up and decorated!!! Considering the way it looks outside today, that was a stroke of genius!!! I did some decorating but surely need to do more!!
So ~ a new week lays in front of me ~ a couple of lunch dates with hooker friends ~ appointments for Tad ~ billing to do ~ finish decorating ~ start shopping ~ and I do have my hooking Challenge to finish for the 20th!! Might be good if I'd start it!! You should live here ~ you just have to hang on for the ride and hope it all gets done!!! Have a good snowy evening!
P.S. I started my Challenge piece tonite!! YaY for me ~ but ~ I'm worried ~ it seemed like a good idea ~ at the time ~ now it's kind of ~ well ~ you know!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Of course, I meant to post earlier in the week ~ time flies by me ~ but here's a recap of last Sunday. We travelled down to Lancaster to Curry's Antiques to their annual Christmas Open House. We went a couple of years ago to see their shop and tour their primitive home. This year, the feature event was a horse-drawn wagon ride to the nearby Rock Mill gristmill for dinner! We were lucky to get tickets and off we went on our adventure! There were little slabwood houses that were built around the yard, especially for this event, that housed traditional crafstmen such as spinners, candlemakers, etc. ~ we followed luminary-lit paths from one to another ~ as you can see from this photo of one the log buildings by the shop, it was snowy and quite picturesque!
We had assigned seating times and I waited inside the shop with an old friend!! He was rather quiet and as you can see, he was guarding his drum! One of the girls in the shop thought we made quite a pair and wanted to snap this picture ~ we invited Sonny to join us, but no dice!! Curry's shop was so beautifully decorated and if you pick up a copy of Simple Life magazine, you'll see photos of their home, decorated in the same way with lots of pine and lights ~ just gorgeous!
Finally, it was our turn to go stand in line outside to board the wagon drawn by teams of Belgian horses, for the ride to the gristmill. I heard someone say that had just returned that it was not real warm down there and when the ladies in front of us heard me repeat that, they dropped out of line and said bye bye!! I felt bad that they took my word for it and missed the fun!! Actually, the ride was pretty darn breezy and it was chilly in the mill ~ kind of a hard building to heat! This lady was one of the servers ~ we had stew, a cheese plate, a roll with herb butter and pound cake with lemon curd topping. The mill was decorated inside and I have to say, if we hadn't gone, I would have always felt like I had missed something ~ it was an experience and despite the cold and windy and snowy conditions, I enjoyed the evening. Ginny's shop is beautiful ~ in a rebuilt log cabin ~ with wonderful primitive antiques and lots of charm. She and her husband, Bill, have several open houses a year and you really should put it on your list of places to visit!
The rest of this week has been quiet in comparison ~ I'd like to tell you that the house is decorated and the shopping is done ~ I'd like to ~ but I can't!! I'd like to tell you I've been hooking ~ can't do that either!! Mostly, I've been trying to get on top of my office work ~ I can tell you that! Hope you having fun getting ready for the holidays ~ soon I will be doing that, too!
Ta ta for now ~ Alice
Ta ta for now ~ Alice
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Two weeks ago, Heidi and I travelled to Akron to the Fairlawn Library ~ next meeting Dec. 17th ~ 10:30-3 p.m. ~ for the monthly hook-in. We don't get over every month but it's always fun ~ nice to see everybody and what they're working on. This is friend, Donna's, HennyPenny from the Woolley Fox. I LOVE this rug ~ I have the pattern and think I'll do it just like Miss Donna did!! It would go perfectly in my kitchen in front of the drysink, just like it was made for there!
Olde Ducks is Donna's, too ~ she's just got a bit to do and it will be done!!! Yay, Donna! It's also a Woolley Fox pattern. Donna's rug are always very antiquey looking ~ she's a very neat rug hooker ~ and if she really liked me, she'd give me HennyPenny!!!!!!
This is Lisa's original design ~ Lisa ~ a brand new hooker!!! She's well on her way! Lisa emailed me after one of my posts about this group and since she lives very close, she joined us ~ her fist time to ever hook with other people! She was so nice and had so much fun ~ Lisa has a blog ~ stop by and check in on her, sometime!
Judy is almost finished binding these sweet little rug ~ love her colors! Judy is a very even hooker ~ really nice work!
Look at Linda's rug! This is one of the Tipp City variations ~ she used the same bittersweet motif that I did and added her own pumpkin design in the center. Her background is so interesting ~ lots of soft colors blended together ~ notice the white 'glow' that surrounds the pumpkin!! Well done, friend!
There are others that I'll post next. It takes me forever to blog and I need to work in my office today and thank goodness there is office work to do!!!!
Last night we went downtown Mansfield to the little art gallery that is associated with our Art Center. Lots of smallwork's on display and for sale! I bought this collection of little stretchy bracelets made from glass beads ~ they'll make nice little gifts ~ and I love supporting artists! There were lots of people there that we know and then, we went across the street to the Martini bar and more people we know! We love it when things are all abuzz and lots of fun and laughter! We ran into Sonny's daughter and her friend and they met us later for a sandwich at Rocky's Pub ~ a nice little place on the square with lots of ambience and 'people we know'!! It works for us!
Have a happy weekend! We're headed to Lancaster tomorrow to a fun event at an antique/folkart shop ~ will report on that next week!! Ta ta for now!
Olde Ducks is Donna's, too ~ she's just got a bit to do and it will be done!!! Yay, Donna! It's also a Woolley Fox pattern. Donna's rug are always very antiquey looking ~ she's a very neat rug hooker ~ and if she really liked me, she'd give me HennyPenny!!!!!!
I LOVE the colors in Rita's rug ~ and her little gingerbread guys are cute! To me, these colors are so dramatic against the black background! Beautiful!
This is Lisa's original design ~ Lisa ~ a brand new hooker!!! She's well on her way! Lisa emailed me after one of my posts about this group and since she lives very close, she joined us ~ her fist time to ever hook with other people! She was so nice and had so much fun ~ Lisa has a blog ~ stop by and check in on her, sometime!
Judy is almost finished binding these sweet little rug ~ love her colors! Judy is a very even hooker ~ really nice work!
Look at Linda's rug! This is one of the Tipp City variations ~ she used the same bittersweet motif that I did and added her own pumpkin design in the center. Her background is so interesting ~ lots of soft colors blended together ~ notice the white 'glow' that surrounds the pumpkin!! Well done, friend!
There are others that I'll post next. It takes me forever to blog and I need to work in my office today and thank goodness there is office work to do!!!!
Last night we went downtown Mansfield to the little art gallery that is associated with our Art Center. Lots of smallwork's on display and for sale! I bought this collection of little stretchy bracelets made from glass beads ~ they'll make nice little gifts ~ and I love supporting artists! There were lots of people there that we know and then, we went across the street to the Martini bar and more people we know! We love it when things are all abuzz and lots of fun and laughter! We ran into Sonny's daughter and her friend and they met us later for a sandwich at Rocky's Pub ~ a nice little place on the square with lots of ambience and 'people we know'!! It works for us!
Have a happy weekend! We're headed to Lancaster tomorrow to a fun event at an antique/folkart shop ~ will report on that next week!! Ta ta for now!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
In an effort to expand our rug hooking creativity, Maria Barton, Kris Miller, Alice Strebel ~ and me ~ have joined together to challenge one another to come up with fresh new ideas for rug hooking projects. After Maria dropped me off from our recent Woolley Fox trip, her imagination ran wild on her drive back home and she came up with this fun idea! Do you all know how honored I am to be included in such good company?!! This will be more of a 'challenge' for me than you know! I'm hanging with the big girls, now!
This is how the challenge will work ~ over the next few months, one of us will take the lead and will send items to the others to use in our rug hooking project. The only requirements are that the project involve rug hooking and all items received be used in the challenge. The leader of the challenge can designate a theme if she wishes.
We will have deadlines for the projects and will post the deadline along with the items received for the challenge on our blogs, hopefully on the 20th of the month. The day of the deadline, we will post on our blogs our finished project along with links to the other participants' finished projects. Our hope in this challenge, is to inspire you to think outside the box, use new materials in your rug hooking projects and to be creative. If you would like to participate in the challenge with us, you can contact the leader of the challenge to purchase the items. Thanks for allowing us to share the works of our hands with you!
Maria was the first to send her packet of goodies ~ here they are ~ pipe cleaners, wire, a button, a felted wool ball, ribbon and a great dangly ornament!! Let the fun begin!!
The grande plan is to publish our finished goods on December 20th ~ which in itself is a challenge because we're all busy women ~ but we think we can do it!! Stay tuned!
Today is our first snow of the season ~ maybe it will help me create a fun little piece for the challenge ~ kind of put me in the spirit of things!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Here are the old guy's pies made from scratch! One had a streusel topping and the other was a coconut and almond topping ~ both pretty good! I'm not sure the kids liked them but Grampa and I are enjoying the heck out of the leftovers this week!
Teddy and family came up to the lake Wednesday and left Friday ~ we had lots to eat and a fun game of charades on Thursday night! It's fun when the kids are old enough to participate in such things ~ it was actually their idea and we had some laughs for sure!!! My impression of a turkey definitely made my daughter-in-law laugh a lot!
These guys are my oldest and my youngest sons having a little bonding time ~ a picture that warms this mother's heart! Tad , the oldest and the smaller one of the two, stays to himself a lot but Teddy had something to offer him that even got Tad's attention ~ his computer! Ted showed him how to look up things on YouTube ~ he loves music videos and honestly, the kid spent the entire afternoon and evening sitting at the table looking up the names of singers he likes. Tad can read and spell enough to enjoy books and magazines about television and movies, etc. ~ he loves the entertainment industry a lot! The kids suggested getting him a Notebook for Christmas and it sounds swell to me. I never thought of it before and it will help fill Tad's time ~ I hope he doesn't set up a Facebook page!! For those of you who are newer readers, my oldest son, Tad, has Down's Syndrome ~ he's 45 ~ he lives with us and is very functional and says "I love my life"! What could be better!Saturday, Sonny and I went to Pemberville for the Christmas celebration ~ saw Santa riding along on the carriage rides! Last year, when we took Luke, Santa wasn't riding ~ so that was fun ~ seeing Santa always warms my heart ~ I still believe ~ do you?
Teddy and family came up to the lake Wednesday and left Friday ~ we had lots to eat and a fun game of charades on Thursday night! It's fun when the kids are old enough to participate in such things ~ it was actually their idea and we had some laughs for sure!!! My impression of a turkey definitely made my daughter-in-law laugh a lot!
Just a quick picture of the Pumpkin House rug ~ I attached it to the back of this chair in the kitchen -keeping room. I decided I like it so much that I wanted to see it all the time ~ it looks good there, me thinks! FromMeToThee asked on a previous post about hooking hurting our wrists ~ I don't have that problem but I know it's often suggested to use more than one hook ~ alternate between the two and to give your hand a rest. I hope that never happens to me ~ I love to hook ~ although, I haven't done much lately!
That's it for today ~ I am going to post a recipe ~ and then I'm off for some errand running! Ta ta for now!
By popular demand! I am posting the famous Monkey Bread/Monkey Balls recipe ~ enjoy!
This is the actual picture of the one I baked ~ looks pretty good, hm? Okay ~ here goes!
1 35 oz. pkg. frozen cinnamon sweet roll dough or dinner roll dough
2/3 c. chopped pecans or walnuts
1/3 c. melted butter
1/3 c. melted butter
1 c. sugar w/ 1 T. cinnamon mixed in
1/3 c. caramel ice cream topping
1 T. maple flavored syrup
1. Grease a baking sheet. Place frozen rolls 2" apart on the prepared baking sheet. Chill in refrigerator over night to let dough thaw and begin to rise.
2. Generously grease a 10" fluted tube pan. Sprinkle 1/3 c. of the nuts into the bottom of the tube pan.
3. Preheat oven to 350 deg. If pkg. of rolls contains 12 rolls, cut them in half or if it is a larger quantity, leave rolls whole. Dip each roll into melted butter, then roll in sugar-cinnamon mixture and arrange in tube pan. Drizzle with remaining butter, sprinkle with any remaining sugar mixture, and sprinkle the remaining 1/3 c. nuts on top.
4. Combine caramel topping and maple syrup - drizzle over the dough. and place tube pan on large baking sheet.
5. Bake 40-45 min. or until golden brown. I may have baked longer to make sure the rolls were done in the middle of the pan. Remove from oven, let stand on wire rack for a minute or two and then invert on large serving platter. Spoon any remaining topping and nuts from the pan onto the rolls. Cool slightly and serve warm! They are wonderfully gooey ~ hope you like them!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Finally! Thought I better post the rugs we all worked on while at the Woolley Fox three weeks ago ~ time flies! This upside down photo is my rug ~ 1668 GEOMETRIC ~ with each design done in a variety of paisleys. I'm fortunate to have quite a collection of bits and pieces and as Barb laid them all out on her work table, in color categories, it was obvious to hook the design in that way. The design looks to me like a Dresden Plate quilt pattern which will stand out nicely in a black confetti background. The upside down numbers will be done in 'friendship' strips ~ each one of my hooking pals gave me a strip from their rug ~ it will be a little remembrance of our fun week! And I think I have a neat idea for the border ~ I have to get the rug done first and then we'll see how that develops! I haven't hooked on this rug since I got home ~ it really would go pretty fast if I'd set my mind to it! The last design will be done in shades of orange paisley ~ maybe this weekend?!
This beautiful rug is being hooked by "Minnesota Mary" ~ she's gonna love that name!! The design is called SAUGUS ~ aren't the colors just fabulous? Mary started this rug at another class although she hooks very fast, I didn't want you to think she got her rug almost finished in our three days!! It's a big one, too!
This nice horsey rug ~ SNYDER MAGDALENA ~ is Donna's ~ our leader! Donna puts this group together and a fine job she does! We have the best time and like the same things ~ hooking, shopping, eating ~ and we're very good at all those things! This rug is another big one and required a lot of color planning ~ I would never have this all figured out by the time I left ~ good luck, Miss Donna ~ and thanks for including me on your list!!!!!!
TENNESSEE HEARTS! That's Maria's rug of choice this time ~ done in lovely soft colors to go with her new decor at home! We had fun at the yarn shops and both bought Oxford punch tools to use with wool strips and big yarn ~ just a little something extra to add to a rug!! I've tried mine out a little and getting the loops even is something I haven't quite mastered ~ it's something that's not even close to looking nice!! Just what I need is to learn a new thing!
Judy hooks ~ and hooks ~ and hooks! Some of us are big talkers but look how much she accomplished in three days!! I LOVE this rug ~ 1901 CATS ~ and her color choices! This is another sizable rug ~ these gals don't mess around! I do hope the girls will send me pictures of their finished rugs, although they should all appear on Barb's website at some point in time!
One last picture of Posie, the kitty ~ all stretched out on Maria's lap so you can all see how big she is! We had much fun with Posie ~ she definitely is a well-loved addition to Barb's household!
I'm off to the grocery ~ we're having Thanksgiving dinner with my son, Ted and family! They cook the bird in a cooking bag ~ very moist! They do the dressing, too, and we provide everything else! So, I must be off before the store gets to crowded.
Hope you enjoyed seeing our rugs and I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, filled with lots of family and lots of food and lots of love! Sonny and I are very thankful to have great kids and grandkids that like us and each other! We're thankful for good health, improving business, wonderful friends and I'm very thankful for each one of you that stops by here to see what's going on in this crazy household! I've heard that if we never say another prayer other than "Thank you", that will be enough ~ it's good to be grateful!
Have a happy weekend!
This nice horsey rug ~ SNYDER MAGDALENA ~ is Donna's ~ our leader! Donna puts this group together and a fine job she does! We have the best time and like the same things ~ hooking, shopping, eating ~ and we're very good at all those things! This rug is another big one and required a lot of color planning ~ I would never have this all figured out by the time I left ~ good luck, Miss Donna ~ and thanks for including me on your list!!!!!!
TENNESSEE HEARTS! That's Maria's rug of choice this time ~ done in lovely soft colors to go with her new decor at home! We had fun at the yarn shops and both bought Oxford punch tools to use with wool strips and big yarn ~ just a little something extra to add to a rug!! I've tried mine out a little and getting the loops even is something I haven't quite mastered ~ it's something that's not even close to looking nice!! Just what I need is to learn a new thing!
Judy hooks ~ and hooks ~ and hooks! Some of us are big talkers but look how much she accomplished in three days!! I LOVE this rug ~ 1901 CATS ~ and her color choices! This is another sizable rug ~ these gals don't mess around! I do hope the girls will send me pictures of their finished rugs, although they should all appear on Barb's website at some point in time!
One last picture of Posie, the kitty ~ all stretched out on Maria's lap so you can all see how big she is! We had much fun with Posie ~ she definitely is a well-loved addition to Barb's household!
I'm off to the grocery ~ we're having Thanksgiving dinner with my son, Ted and family! They cook the bird in a cooking bag ~ very moist! They do the dressing, too, and we provide everything else! So, I must be off before the store gets to crowded.
Hope you enjoyed seeing our rugs and I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, filled with lots of family and lots of food and lots of love! Sonny and I are very thankful to have great kids and grandkids that like us and each other! We're thankful for good health, improving business, wonderful friends and I'm very thankful for each one of you that stops by here to see what's going on in this crazy household! I've heard that if we never say another prayer other than "Thank you", that will be enough ~ it's good to be grateful!
Have a happy weekend!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Fresh pumpkin pies ~ that's what Sonny will be making with these for Thanksgiving dinner! Sonny ~ not me!! He bakes halved pie pumpkins ~ puts it all in the Quisinart ~ measures it out into the amount needed for a pie ~ and seals it into packages with his vacuum sealer!!! Now, he's all ready for his holiday pie baking!! He thinks I'm making fun of him, but I'm not!! If I were doing it, there are cans of pumpkin on the grocery store shelf that work swell for me!!!! He loves doing it and that makes us both happy!! Just thought I would share what the mister is up to now!
We had a fun week last week ~ went to the Homebuilders Auxiliary Auction where we earned close to $7000 for our needy families at Christmas! It never ceases to amaze me how people in our building industry and related businesses, open their hearts and checkbooks for this cause! Many of us have really had an awakening in this bumpy economy over the past couple of years so it's wonderful to see this outpouring of generosity! And the good news is that business is picking up and I couldn't be more grateful!
Today, a little shopping and an oil change are on my agenda ~ it's really windy here today ~ hope I don't blow away! For those who know me, I think I'm safe!!!! Have a good day! Hook-in pictures and Woolley Fox pictures to follow ~ soon!!
We had a fun week last week ~ went to the Homebuilders Auxiliary Auction where we earned close to $7000 for our needy families at Christmas! It never ceases to amaze me how people in our building industry and related businesses, open their hearts and checkbooks for this cause! Many of us have really had an awakening in this bumpy economy over the past couple of years so it's wonderful to see this outpouring of generosity! And the good news is that business is picking up and I couldn't be more grateful!
Today, a little shopping and an oil change are on my agenda ~ it's really windy here today ~ hope I don't blow away! For those who know me, I think I'm safe!!!! Have a good day! Hook-in pictures and Woolley Fox pictures to follow ~ soon!!
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